
Articles from our Imams, Aalima departments and guests contributors

The Beginning of a new year Muharram marks the beginning of the Islamic year. We can use this beginning point to... What is special about the month of Muharram? Muharram is one of the four sacred months in the Islamic calendar...

Ramadan Advice A Reminder by Imam Ebrahim Surti In Ramadan we increased our good deeds and establish good habits– as there are...

Have you ever thought about how Allah loves you? How many times have you gone through something and didn’t understand why...

Allah is Al Ghafoor, Ar-Raheem The entire universe from the planets, the heavens, earth, human, jinn, and all the creatures. All... salutations on the Prophet (Pbuh) within your du'a will make it more powerful it. Imam Ebrahim Surti tells us...

The Excellence Of Dhul Hijjah Imam Ebrahim Surti tells us that the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are so sacred...

Dhul Hijjah We have entered into very blessed days. It is the last month of the Islamic calendar. The month in...