In these terms of use, the definitions set out below have the following meanings:
Content means all content, including, trademarks, logos, designs, text, photos, films, sounds and other information on this website;
Contribution(s) or Blogs means anything that a user posts on this website or sends to us;
These terms of use means the terms and conditions of use set out below, as well as our Privacy Policy;
Website means this website which we own and controls;
By using this website you accept these terms as from the date you first access this website.
We may modify these terms of use at any time by updating the text of this page, you agree to check back regularly and be aware of any such updates.
(a) your Contribution does not infringe any person’s intellectual property rights, which include any copyright, moral rights or trade mark rights; and
(b) you have the necessary permission from everyone in a picture or video
(c) you have all the necessary rights to post or submit the contribution and to grant us the rights described in these terms of use;