Ofsted Report

Our Pre-School is pleased to have been rated as an overallĀ  Good Provider after our latest Ofsted inspection which took place on 6th May 2022. The judgement was broken down into 4 areas as:


Leadership and ManagementĀ  –Ā  Outstanding

Personal DevelopmentĀ  –Ā  Outstanding

Behaviour and AttitudesĀ  –Ā  Good

Quality of TeachingĀ  –Ā  Good


Our pre-school staff team work really hard to provide a high quality of care and education. This was recognised and reflected in the Ofsted report:


Staff plan a broad and varied curriculum to help children to
develop the skills and knowledge needed for later learning, including school.”


Leaders and senior practitioners have designed an ambitious curriculum that
ensures that every child has the best possible start to their education. Staff have
a detailed knowledge of their key children and use information from their
observations to guide their planning. They closely monitor children’s progress to
identify any gaps in their learning, so that these can be swiftly addressed.”


“Staff use a wide variety of activities to encourage children to recall what they
have previously learned.”


“Staff place a large emphasis on supporting children’s emotional well-being and


“Staff are excellent at developing children’s understanding of different communities beyond their own and teaching them what makes them unique.


These are only some excerpts from the report, read the full report here.