As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh, and welcome to Noor Ul Islam Pre-School!
We are a fully inclusive setting open to the whole community operating within an Islamic ethos. We value the diversity children bring to our setting – ethnically, racially, linguistically, and developmentally. We have a highly motivated team committed to supporting each child to attain their potential, and provide children with engaging learning experiences. Our high adult to child ratio enables us to do this. We have a maximum of 40 children per session, and a minimum of 7 adults in the setting at all times.
Our operating hours are:
Morning sessions – Mondays to Fridays 8:45am to 11:45am
Afternoon sessions – Mondays to Fridays 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Full-day – Mondays to Fridays 8:45am to 3:30pm
We implement the “Learning through Play” approach in delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
We understand the significance of our responsibility in caring for children, and the high level of trust parents place in us when leaving their child in our care. We aim to work with each of our families individually to give them peace of mind when leaving their child with us each day.
We have a long waiting list, and recommend that parents apply for their child to be placed on our waiting list as soon as they turn 2 years old.
Noor Ul Islam Trust opened a Pre-School in October 1999 in response to a growing demand from the local community. We are an early education establishment delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum governed by an Islamic ethos.
The Pre-School has flourished from initially only providing one morning session per day for 24 children, to its current service. Currently the provision is for 3 to 5 year olds only, however children’s names may be added to our waiting list once they are 2 years old.
The Pre-School is registered with Ofsted and the local authority. Our most recent Ofsted inspection (May 2022) rated us as an overall Good Provider with Outstanding elements.
Vision Statement:
At Noor Ul Islam pre-school we aim to support our children to have strong foundations to function as part of a wider society by inspiring them to have an inquisitive mind, good akhlaaq (manners) and enriching experiences.
Mission Statement:
The Pre-School is a fully inclusive setting. Over the years we have welcomed in a significant number of children with special educational needs. We have worked with the children and their families to access support to enable the children to progress in their learning and development and work towards achieving their potential.
Noor Ul Islam Pre-School recognises parents as the first and most important educators of their children. The key persons work hard to foster a close relationship with their key children’s families and keep an open dialogue between home and Pre-School. We also help set up Parent Groups made up of parents from each session; this is a place where parents can link up and network, as well as discuss ways in which they can support and enrich the Pre-School provision. We encourage fathers to be a part of the life of the Pre-School. Please speak to us about how you would like to be involved.
Alhamdulillah we have a high staff to child ratio of 1 staff to every 6 children. We aim to employ people who all have a relevant qualification for their role, and experience working with children.
We follow safer recruitment practices and ensure all employees and volunteers have background checks conducted before being offered a post with us, these include references and DBS checks.
Our staff team is made up of:
Noor Ul Islam pre-school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children. Every child’s welfare is of paramount importance. Everyone working in our pre-school wants to work with children, parents and the community to ensure the safety of children and to give them the very best start in life.
We have ensured that our policy is in line with legislation and guidance on keeping children safe. All staff are supported by a Designated Safeguarding Lead with overall responsibility for all aspects of Child Protection and Safeguarding. She ensures that the staff team are regularly trained on all aspects of Safeguarding children.
Noor ul Islam Pre-School is committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children, families, and adults working within the setting. It is our intention to make our pre-school accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community regardless of their faith, ethnicity or ability.
We welcome children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) as part of our community and we aim to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to engage in the curriculum. Children with SEND will not need to follow a different admissions procedure, and every effort will be made to meet their individual needs. We aim to provide an environment in which all children are supported to reach their full potential.
We have a SEND coordinator in place who will ensure she, and the staff team, are up to date with developments in SEND good practice, so that we are able to support individual children to the best of our ability. We understand that the identification of additional needs in children can be an overwhelming process for parents/carers. Our SEND coordinator is available to support families through the process and to signpost them to other sources of support.
Ofsted , May 2022
717-723 High Road
London. E10 5AB
Phone: 020 8558 0786 (extn. 3)