Parent Information

Term dates

The above term times can be downloaded and printed click on the link below
Term dates for 2024-2025

Pre-school Routine


    • Children arrive and complete self-registration
    • Settling-in time 
    • Welcome time
    • Free play: children have access to a range of equipment and activities indoors and outdoors. Staff carry out planned focus activities, observations/tracking, SEN intervention groups
    • Snack: a selection of healthy and nutritious snacks are available to choose from throughout the session; independence and good meal time etiquette is encouraged. Staff are aware of food allergies
    • Tidy up time
    • Story time and rhyme time
    • Getting ready for home time

Snack Menu

The pre-school aims to promote snack time as a learning opportunity which promotes healthy eating, hygiene, turn taking, sharing, interaction and learning about food from different cultures and countries. 

Taking into consideration suggested snack ideas from the Children’s Food Trust, we have planned a two-week snack menu. Staff are aware of any food allergies children may have as shared by parents on their child’s registration at the setting. We ensure that there are no nut products on our menus. 


Please see below our 2-week menu which we repeat on a cyclical basis throughout the year.

Parental Involvement

Noor ul Islam Pre-School recognises parents as the primary educators of their children, and we welcome parental involvement. There are many ways parents may contribute to the setting, such as:

    • Sharing their own special interests with the children
    • Joining in with community and fundraising activities
    • Accompanying the children on outings and trips led by the staff
    • Joining the Parent Group to develop social relationships with other pre-school parents.

Privacy Notice

Waltham Forest Noor Ul Islam is committed to respecting and safeguarding your privacy and to the processing of your and your child’s personal information for legitimate and lawful purposes in line with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).  We do not process your data unnecessarily or unfairly and are committed to keeping yours and your child’s data safe.


The GDPR ensures and enforces your right to have your privacy respected and your data protected. It also enables you to have easier access to the personal information organisations hold about you to ensure it is accurate, up to date and processed lawfully and fairly. 

The data protection principles set out the main responsibilities for organisations and requires the following for personal data:


  1. Be processed fairly and lawfully and be transparent
  2. Be processed for limited purpose
  3. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is processed
  4. Be accurate
  5. Not kept for longer than is necessary
  6. Be processed in line with your rights and kept securely

We are required by law to collect, hold and use information about you, your family, and your child whilst your child is with us. In doing so, we must ensure that confidential information is held securely and only accessible to those who have a right or a professional need to see. We are also bound by legislation that requires us to ensure records are kept and shared to keep children safe and to meet the needs of those with special educational needs.


In order to meet our legal and contractual obligations with the local authority and Department of Education we are also required to share certain personal data with them.


We also collect consent from you to process personal data to enable us to provide care and education tailored to meet your child’s individual needs and to enhance your child’s experiences with us.

We only hold the necessary “Personal Data” that is required to provide care and learning that is tailored to meet your child’s individual needs. We also collect information in order to verify your eligibility for free childcare and the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) as applicable.


The data we collect, use, store and share (where appropriate) includes, but is not restricted to:


  • Your child’s name, date of birth, gender, address, ethnicity, language(s);
  • Your child’s health and medical needs (including reports from other professionals, details of prescribed medication you need us to administer to your child, and care plans), accident records of accidents at pre-school and at home;
  • Your child’s developmental needs, observations (including photographs) and academic reports, and any additional needs your child may have (including SEND plans, professional reports and referrals made to external agencies), reports from previous settings your child has moved to us from;
  • Your child’s attendance records;
  • Information regarding any safeguarding concerns;
  • The names, addresses, contact details, dates of births, ethnicities, and national insurance numbers of the child’s legal parents. Details of any court orders pertaining to your child. To claim the EYPP we may also need information about benefits you claim and your household income;
  • The names and contact details of emergency contacts and the names of authorised adults to collect your child.

The personal data you provide is used to administer the service you have enrolled your child on to, this includes:


  • Maintaining our waiting lists and administering admissions
  • Applying for funding
  • Supporting your child’s educational and welfare needs
  • To enable our service to be inspected by an independent authority, e.g. Ofsted, the local authority.
  • Providing a good transition for your child when they are ready to move on by working with their next school
  • Holding records about your child’s safety and welfare to help us safeguard them
  • To keep you updated with information about our services.

We take the responsibility of maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of your data seriously.  All hard copies of data collected are stored securely in lockable filing cabinets/cupboards only accessed by authorised personnel who have all had the relevant background checks completed.


All data stored on our computers are password protected and backed up onto a secure server, these are only accessed by authorised personnel who have all had the relevant background checks completed.


We have a Data Protection Policy in place which is communicated to all our staff members.

We only keep personal data for as long as is necessary to comply with our statutory and contractual obligations. Our Data Protection policy sets out the retention periods for the data we collect.


Your child’s individual record of achievement pack is passed on to you when your child leaves, we do not keep either paper or electronic records.

We will only share data with other professionals/organisations when we have received consent from you, after explaining to you why we feel it will be helpful to do so.  In addition to this we also have legal and regulatory obligations to share your data with statutory authorities if there is a safeguarding concern, the Local Authority and Department of Education, Ofsted, and our insurance underwriter (if applicable).


Please note: We will not under any circumstances share or process your data for any marketing purposes unless you have opted-in for us to do so; or use your data to make automated decisions. We do not under any circumstances sell data.

You have the right to:


  • Request access to, and correct any information we hold about you either verbally or in writing
  • In certain circumstances, to request that we delete or stop processing you/your child’s personal data
  • Request that we transfer your/your child’s personal data to another person


If you wish to exercise any of these rights at any time, please speak to the head of the service you are using. You may be asked to put your request in writing.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy notice please speak to the head of your service in the first instance, who should be able to address your enquiry. However if you continue to have concerns you may:


  • Make a formal complaint following our Complaints Procedure (found in the Welcome Pack/Parent Pack you were given when your child started)
  • Contact Noor ul Islam’s Data Controller in writing, by email or phone. His details are:
  • Make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted by phone on 0330 123 1113 or further contact details can be found at 

This notice will be reviewed regularly and any changes either due to internal processes or future changes in regulation and legislation will be posted on our website and/or through an email or postal notification.

Noor Ul Islam Pre-school: 711-723 High Road, London E10 5AB


ICO registration number: ZA294029