

For information regarding our Aalimiyyah course, please refer to the booklet below:Aalimiyyah

Application form

Classes are from Monday to Friday. Monthly fee payable in advance. Please be aware that this is an intensive course, which will require a lot of commitment. The course is open for all sisters aged 16 or above.

Please complete an application form and email to

Fees, payments and holiday dates

Students are strictly advised not to take holidays in term time in order to gain maximum benefit from the course. Students who require time off for Hajj/Marriage are requested to write to the head teacher at least 4 weeks in advance. The fee applies to 12 months of the academic year. Fees must be paid in full for any time taken off.

Monthly Fees:

Fees should be paid by the 5th of each calendar month

Administration fee for new students: ยฃ50

Year 1, 2: ยฃ125 per month for 12 months

Year 3, 4, 5: ยฃ150 per month for 12 months

Cheque made payable to Noor Ul Islamย 

Rules and regulations

ยท All students must wear a black abaya with a plain white headscarf (pashmina)

ยท Simplicity should be observed. It is forbidden to come to class with any kind of makeup.

ยท Attendance and punctuality will be monitored every month. If it is felt that a certain student is not attending regularly a warning will be issued. If the situation continues the warning will be followed by dismissal.

ยท All students must be in class by 8.45am.

ยท Any student that is absent from class for more than two weeks without providing a valid reason before the absence begins will be removed from the register and will have to re-apply for admittance. The re-admittance is not guaranteed and will be subject to a place being available.

ยท No student will be allowed to leave class unless a note has been supplied. The head teacher may make enquiries to the authenticity of the note supplied.

ยท Holidays must not be taken during term time, all other leave outside of the official holidays need to be approved by the head teacher.

ยท The office must be informed for any absences and late arrivals. If students arrive late without any valid reason they will not be allowed to enter the lesson until the teacher has given permission to do so.

ยท Students must ensure all homework set is completed for each lesson and all exercise books are kept up to date as a regular check will be made.

ยท Students must arrive to class fully equipped with all necessary books and any other items.

ยท The use of electronic gadgets is not allowed to be used in class. Mobile phones are permitted but must not be taken out during teaching hours.

ยท Students will be assessed every term to monitor behavior and work.

ยท The fees applies to 12 months of the year.

ยท All students are responsible for paying fees on time. Payments should be made by the 5th of each month. Receipts will be issued.

ยท Fire drills will be conducted on a regular basis.

ยท Disrespect towards any member of staff will not be tolerated.

ยท There will be two examinations in the year.

ยท All students are expected to have an attendance of above 85% in order to sit the annual exams.

ยท Friday sessions are compulsory and will contribute to your attendance.

ยท The overall pass mark for exams is 65%.

ยท Students who fail to pass their exams will not be permitted to go on to the following year.

ยท Students who fail two books will result in failing the year.

ยท All students are expected to commit themselves to the course.

ยท The Aalimiyyah department has the right to alter or amend the rules and regulations as necessary.