Masjid Update

Masjid Update

Third Lockdown - Masjid update


The Masjid remains open

19th July 2021

We are pleased to announce the masjid will go back to normal on Monday 19th July 2021. Face covering is optional (but recommended). No Social Distancing requirements, (although we encourage this for Sunnah and Nafil prayers). Bringing your own Prayer Mats is optional for use for Sunnah and Nafil prayer. We ask you to practice caution in the masjid and when in public. Limit close contact with others and maintain good hygiene. We will still be following Government Covid-19 safety guidelines.

5th April 2021

In recent weeks we have seen a worsening situation with Covid-19. Sadly, many people have lost their lives whilst others have been hospitalised due to the effects of this virus.

The Government has introduced new rules this month restricting when people can leave their homes. Alhamdulillah attending communal worship is still allowed.

At Noor Ul Islam, we hope to keep the masjid open. But to remain open we need to ensure we are doing everything possible to reduce the risk of worshippers contracting and spreading Covid-19. These include:

· The opening of the masjid only 15 minutes before the Jamaah time.

· Worshippers attending must wear face-coverings properly (nose and mouth must be covered – exemptions apply). They must also use the hand sanitiser on arrival and on leaving.

· Worshippers are reminded to bring their own prayer mat and bag to keep their shoes in. Please remember there are no Wudhu facilities available.·

We ask those over 70 /particularly vulnerable to make themselves known to a steward who can assist them in finding a suitable place for them to pray”.

· Under no circumstances should worshippers gather and mingle inside or outside the vicinity of the Mosque.

· Worshippers should scan the NHS App QR code each time they visit or provide us with their details to Track and Trace purpose.

· There is now a one-metre space between worshippers. We recognise that this will reduce the numbers that we can admit.

Prayer services will be shorter than usual

· There will be two Jummah prayers at 1:20pm and 2:30pm with very limited place

We kindly request all those attending the Masjid to adhere strict to our safety guidelines and support our efforts.

We will continue to monitor and assess the situation and may make further changes at no notice, if needed.

Please do not leave home unless you have to.

We request your dua’s and help, especially during this difficult time. May Allah protect us all.

JazakAllaah Khayr
Waltham Forest Noor Ul Islam 

In line with Government & Health and Safety Executive  guidelines, a Risk Assessment has been carried to seek ways of reducing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19. Please click here to see the full Risk Assessment.


We hope that you will support us and make this transition work for all concerned. 

Please support Noor Ul Islam

We rely on our community to fund our progress. Now is as important as ever for you to continue supporting your Mosque.